One of Us
Debut novelist Jeannie Waudby addresses assumptions and blame in One of Us, a story about a girl stuck between two cultural groups: the citizens and the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is seen as a radical insurgent organization which the news blames for all violence in the community. The citizens are the mainstream, the victims, and the “good guys.” Having lost her parents to a Brotherhood attack at a young age, K Child is a product of the system.
At fifteen years old, K narrowly survives a bomb attack. Shaken and alone, she meets a charming police officer who offers her a chance to be a part of an important task force. K will have a way to avenge her parents’ death. All she has to do is infiltrate and assimilate into the Brotherhood as an informant. Double crosses, paranoia, and unrest barrel towards a thrilling collision of worlds that K never expected. She must rely on her true self—if she can figure out who she really is.
Jeannie Waudby skillfully tackles the complexities of violence, blame, and unmitigated belief, drawing striking parallels to the politically charged reality of today.
Ages: Teen
ISBN: 9780762457991
Price: $16.95
Published by: Running Press