Announcing the 2015 Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Awards

Westchester, NY — The Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Awards Committee is pleased to announce the recipients of the 12th biennial Awards. The awards will be presented in a ceremony on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, at the White Plains (New York) Public Library. The program is open to the public.
The Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award was established in 1990 by librarians, storytellers and educators in Westchester County, New York, to honor Anne Izard, an extraordinary librarian, storyteller, and Children’s Services Consultant in the Westchester County Library System. The Award seeks to bring the riches of storytelling to greater public awareness by highlighting and promoting distinguished books on storytelling published for children and adults. Folklore, fiction, biography and historical stories must be entirely successful without consideration of graphic elements. Books which enrich a storyteller’s understanding of story, folk traditions, aesthetics, and methods of storytelling are also eligible. Books considered for the Twelfth Award were original material, reprints, or new English translations published in the United States between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014.
Recipients of the 12th Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Awards are:
Beyond the Briar Patch: Affrilachian Folktales, Food and Folklore by Lyn Ford (Parkhurst Brothers 2014)
The Boy Who Loved Math by Deborah Heiligman (Roaring Brook Press 2013)
Every Day a Holiday: A Storyteller’s Memoir by Elizabeth Ellis (Parkhurst Brothers 2014)
The Golden Age of Folk & Fairy Tales: From the Brothers Grimm to Andrew Lang by Jack Zipes (Hackett Publishing, 2013)
The Grudge Keeper by Mara Rockliff (Peachtree Publishers, 2014)
The King of Little Things by Bil Lepp (Peachtree Publishers, 2013)
Mysterious Traveler by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham (Candlewick Press, 2013)
Ol’ Clip Clop: A Ghost Story by Patricia C. McKissack (Holiday House, 2013)
Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale by Marina Warner (Oxford University Press, 2014)
Story by Story: Creating a Student Storytelling Troupe… by Karen Chace (Parkhurst Brothers, 2014)
Teaching with Story by Margaret Read MacDonald, Jennifer MacDonald Whitman and Nathaniel Forest Whitman (August House, 2014)
Whiskers, Tails & Wings: Animal Folktales from Mexico by Judy Goldman (Charlesbridge, 2013)
You Never Heard of Willie Mays?! by Jonah Winter (Schwartz & Wade Books, 2013)
For more information, please contact Tata Canuelas, Chair, at [email protected], or Ellen Tannenbaum, Co-Chair, at [email protected] .