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One Monday Morning | April 8, 2015

by Uri Shulevitz (Square Fish Books/Macmillan, August 2003)

Perfect for a rainy day in New York City, One Monday Morning (an adaptation of a French folk song) is a classic story of a young boy with a wild imagination. On one Monday morning, he is visited by a king, a queen, and a little prince, but isn’t home to see them. They return the next day, and the next, and so on and so forth, each day adding a new member to their entourage: a guard, a jester, a barber. The text builds on itself in a fun and delightful way, and is accompanied by charming, cross-hatched illustrations—vibrant, cartoon-like images of the royal family, and more down-to-earth scenes of the New York City locations the boy visits on his outings . Though the story was originally published in 1967, it’s a timeless one that any picture-book lover should read!

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