The Children's Book Council's Early Career Committee (ECC) is dedicated to enriching the careers of those in their first five years in the children’s publishing industry, contributing to the vitality of the industry as a whole, and fostering literacy. Learn more

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Extreme Trivia Challenge 10th Anniversary! | December 12, 2013

by Matt Poulter


Seven teams competed for the glory of the Golden Bunny trophies in the 10th annual Extreme Trivia Challenge this November — in a contest that was anything but trivial.


Our very special emcees included returning host, Jon Scieszka, and brand new host, Casey Scieszka. Children’s literature questions flew fast and furious, including throwback questions taken from trivias past and “Quick Like a Bunny” rounds which tasked teams to come up with as many correct answers as they could while precious seconds ticked off the clock. When the final question was answered and all the points were tallied, Team 7 managed to pull off a close win and take home the 10th anniversary Golden Bunny trophies as well as signed copies of Battle Bunny, Mr. Scieszka’s newest book!


Congratulations 1st place winners, Team 7!

Emily Heddleson, Becca Shapiro,Sarah Jane Abbott,Colleen Venable and Jennifer Ung, with cheerleader Michael Coutler.

And a special mention to our second place team, Team 2:

Kamilla Benko, Sarah Evans, Katherine Harrison, Rotem Moscovich, Amy Rosenbaum and Navah Wolfe.

Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in our challenge, and a very special thanks to Jon and Casey Scieszka for being such amazing hosts. Here’s to 10 more years of ECC Trivia!

See all the great photos on our Facebook page ▸▸



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