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It’s A Book | June 13, 2012

by Lane Smith (Macmillan, Aug. 2010)

I decided to turn off the TV and shut down my computer for a bit this week and pick up one of those things that have the pages bound together; I believe they’re called books. There was no better book to pick up than It’s A Book, by Lane Smith.

This is a story about a mouse, a donkey, and a book-loving monkey. It begins with the donkey asking what the monkey is holding. Then the donkey proceeds to ask question after question, “Can it text? Tweet? Wi-fi?”, and the monkey’s answer is, “No, it’s a book”.

In this playful, witty, and sarcastic contrast between books and technology, Smith pokes fun at how people can become so tech driven, they miss out on the simplicity of just picking up a book and reading.

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