Develop Your Diversity-Management Expertise — 10% Discount for CBC Members!

Join DiversityInc October 21-22 in New York City at their Fall Event Series, where you’ll learn how to develop your diversity-management expertise directly from leaders of DiversityInc Top 50 companies!
CBC Members: Receive a 10% discount on registration prices when you register by September 18. E-mail us for the promo code.
2014 Special Awards Event |Oct. 21
Learn how to build your diversity brand with best practices on improving pipeline, talent-development and supplier-diversity initiatives from AT&T, General Motors, EY, and more. You’ll also hear from 11 CEOs, including Mike Groff of Toyota Financial Services, Stephen Holmes of Wyndham Worldwide, and Warner L. Baxter of Ameren, and enjoy a sit-down dinner honoring seven companies for their exemplary diversity-management efforts.