Day in the Life (Remote): Maggie Salko

Marketing and Publicity Associate, Little Bee Books
Day: Monday, February 12, 2024
9:00 AM: On a remote day I jump online promptly at 9 am. I spend this time answering any emails that have come in since 5 pm the day before, and checking on all of our social media platforms. You never know if a post will blow up overnight!
10:00 AM: My manager and I have recurring meetings on Mondays to check in before the week gets going. We typically chat about our weekends before diving into what we want to focus on this week.
11:00 AM: From my weekly check-in until lunch I’ll work on ongoing projects. This varies day to day as I handle many different aspects of our Marketing department. On Mondays though, I typically spend this time confirming our social media schedule for the upcoming week and finishing up any graphics that I hadn’t gotten to yet.
12:00 PM: Lunch time! When I work from home this typically consists of eating leftovers and playing Animal Crossing for a bit.
1:00 PM: On this Monday in particular I spent a big chunk of my time working on our February newsletter. We try to get out the newsletter around the middle of the month, but need it to be finished prior to this in order to have time for a copy-edit.
3:00 PM: The last bit of my day is normally spent doing any small additional tasks that have come up, whether it’s creating a sell sheet, filling out trade show registration, or what have you.
4:00 PM: The last hour of my day is spent wrapping up loose ends. I always like to end my day finishing up something so I can leave work feeling like I completed a productive day and I can start again fresh tomorrow.
5:00 PM: At 5 pm, I finally log out of my computer and either retire to continue reading whatever romance novel I’m hooked on at the moment or to hang out with my roommates and lovely cat.
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