Bernette Ford’s The Magical Snowflake

Boxer Books / Union Square Kids has just published The Magical Snowflake, written by the late Bernette Ford, a heartwarming story about young Ori and her wish-come-true snowflake bringing the joy of the winter season around her town.

The Magical Snowflake, by Bernette Ford; illus. by Erin Robinson (Boxer Books)
Bernette Ford, in her publishing and editorial positions over many decades, worked to make our world a better place by advocating for more BIPOC authors and illustrators to be able to publish books to inspire young readers with their stories and talents.
David Bennett, Publisher of Boxer Books and a lifelong friend of Bernette’s, said, “If you want to know what Bernette was like as a person, read The Magical Snowflake and First Snow. These texts embody her gentle pace, style, expression, and thoughtfulness. Bernette applied these qualities in the development of authors and artists such as Britta Teckentrup and Sebastien Braun and many others whom she mentored at Boxer.”

The Magical Snowflake captures the heartwarming essence of a young girl amid the frosty snow; it’s an inclusive holiday read-aloud book that celebrates the winter season, community, family, and friendship. It is destined to become a classic and the vibrant illustrations by Erin K. Robinson bring unforgettable scenes to life.
Earlier this year, the CBC hosted a tribute video on our site to Bernette Ford with her family, friends, and colleagues commemorating her and her legacy in the children’s book world and beyond, along with a bibliography of her books.
See our posts and resources here about Bernette Ford and Boxer Books.