3 Questions with Anna Kang

What age is too old to become an author?
It’s never too old! My first book, You Are (Not) Small, was published when I was 44 years old. By that time I’d had many jobs, a couple of different careers, went to graduate school, got married and had two children. Those previous experiences definitely led me to my first published book, without question.
Why is it critical to publish authors and illustrators of different ethnicities and backgrounds?
To me, an ideal society reflects the perspectives of all its people, particularly in government and in media, and not the voice of one, dominant group. I lived my entire childhood reading books featuring white, male protagonists. I didn’t have trouble relating to them even though I wasn’t white or male. It was just assumed I could. Now that I’m an adult, I love seeing more authors and books about people of color. Everyone deserves to be the center of their own narrative. And when we read about people who are different from us, we inevitably discover that we are the same.
What is your favorite breakfast food?
Trick question! I’ve never liked eating typical breakfast foods, even as a child, and would avoid eating breakfast. If I had my choice, I’d eat an Asian or Japanese-style breakfast of soup and rice and fish (yes, fish!), everyday.
About Anna Kang
Anna Kang and her husband, Christopher Weyant, are the creators of Theodor Seuss Geisel Award winner You Are (Not) Small and its follow-ups, That’s (Not) Mine and I Am (Not) Scared, as well as Can I Tell You a Secret? and Will You Help Me Fall Asleep? Christopher’s work can be seen regularly in The New Yorker, and his cartoons are syndicated worldwide. As an author, Anna routinely goes through first, second, and third drafts; Chris wears down many erasers while making his art. This husband-and-wife team lives in New Jersey with their two daughters and their rescue dog. Visit Anna and Christopher at www.annakang.com and www.christopherweyant.com.