Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger Makes Its Humble Debut

A long time ago, origami was mainly in the shape of swans or flowers, but then Tom Angleberger came along with Origami Yoda, teaching the wise ways of taking paper and turning it into a colorful cast of characters fit for a space opera!
Customers can pay what they want for The Strange Case of Origami Yoda.
Those who pay more than the average price will also receive The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett, The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee, and Darth Paper Strikes Back.
Customers who pay $15 receive all of that plus Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus and Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue.
These books have a collective retail value of $47. Here at Humble Bundle, though, customers choose the price!
As with all Humble Bundles, customers can choose where the money goes — between the publishers (ABRAMS), charity (Doctors Without Borders / MSF), and, if they’d like, a second charity of your choice via the PayPal Giving Fund. For details on how this works, click here.
About Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle sells digital content through its pay-what-you-want bundle promotions and the Humble Store. When purchasing a bundle, customers choose how much they want to pay and decide where their money goes — between the content creators, charity, and Humble Bundle. Since the company’s launch in 2010, Humble Bundle has raised more than $69 million through the support of its community for a wide range of charities, providing aid for people across the world. For more information, please visit https://www.humblebundle.com.