Reading Lists
Our searchable reading lists are created in partnership with publishers and organizations who provide outside experts on specific list topics. These lists are an ever-growing resource for teachers, librarians, booksellers, parents, and caregivers.
Favorites Awards Books
The books on the annual FAVORITES lists are new books read and rated by thousands of children, teachers, and librarians in rural, suburban, and urban schools and libraries across the U.S. every year.
Find all the books in the latest Favorites Awards lists and beyond!
Building a Home Library Books
An up-to-date list of recommended new and classic books for every home by age group, as compiled by the Ingram Content Group and the Children’s Book Council.
Find all the books in the latest Building a Home Library lists and beyond!
Hot Off The Press Books
This curated list of new publications is a great resource for teachers, librarians, booksellers, and parents.
Find all the books in the latest CBC Hot Off the Press List and beyond!
CBC Showcase Books
CBC Showcase is our quarterly reading list for all ages. Each list highlights a specific theme with both new and backlist titles.
Find all the books in the latest CBC Showcase List and beyond!
Best STEM Books
This list aims to provide recommendations to educators, librarians, parents, and guardians for the best children’s books with STEM content.
Find all the books in the latest Best STEM Books lists and beyond!
Outstanding Science Trade Books
A list that represents each year’s best science books, chosen by science educators.
Find all the books in the latest Outstanding Science Trade Books lists and beyond!
Notable Social Studies Trade Books
An annual reading list of exceptional books for use in social studies classrooms, selected by social studies educators.
Find all the books in the latest Notable Social Studies Trade Books lists and beyond!
Inclusivity Book Lists
Book Lists that touch on subjects of social inclusivity, like anti-racism, cultural & ethnic minorities, mental health, women, etc.