What Publishers Need to Know Now: The Impact of Common Core Standards

An Online Discussion With Roy Kaufman, Managing Director of New Ventures at Copyright Clearance Center
It’s back to school for students and teachers. Seating assignments and lesson plans aren’t all that’s new. Dramatic changes are coming to texts and tests. For the classroom of tomorrow, publishers need to get ready today.
Beginning in 2014-2015, 43 million K-12 public school students in 46 states will study to the Common State Core Standards. The new – some say, revolutionary – approach to learning has fueled a debate among teachers, administrators, and parents.
And whether you work in textbook publishing, trade books, or the news media, you are going have plenty of questions: How will these changes impact your business? How will states develop the new curriculum? Where will teachers turn for a new generation of instructional materials tools? What types of content will be in demand? What will publishers have to license?
Join Roy Kaufman, Managing Director of New Ventures for the non-profit Copyright Clearance Center, as he considers these and other ringing questions about Common Core Standards.