Three Balls of Wool (Can Change the World)

Three Balls of Wool (Can Change the World)

by Henriqueta Cristina

In search of a freer place where every child can go to school, a family moves from Fascist Portugal to Communist Czechoslovakia. Different as this new country is, however, it is far from ideal. In this new, gray world, the lack of freedom is felt in the simplest things, such as the colors one can and cannot wear. Homesick and troubled, the children’s mother cuts a thread and begins unraveling their sweaters until she has three balls of wool. Then she sits down to knit. Suddenly the room is bursting with exciting new patterns! Her inspiration is contagious, and soon the whole neighborhood is unraveling and knitting. This story reminds us that with a little bit of creativity, we can change the world.

Ages: 6-12
Illustrated by: Yara Kono
ISBN: 9781592702206
Price: $16.95
Published by: Enchanted Lion Books


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