The Seven Princesses
Once upon a time, there were seven princess sisters who were kindhearted, quick-witted, and highly skilled, but they could not have been more different. When they had the biggest fight in the entire history of princess fighting, the sisters decided to build their own separate towers in the castle. At first it was just fine, but eventually, the kingdom turned silent and gray, and the sisters were no longer happy. Until one day, the spark of a special memory reminded the princesses how much they needed one another, and gave them new appreciation for their sisters.
In this modern-day princess fairytale, Smiljana Coh tackles the common conundrums siblings face, and imaginatively shows that arguments, no matter how big and small, can never outweigh the unconditional love between sisters
Ages: 4-6
Illustrated by: Smiljana Coh
ISBN: 9780762455874
Price: $16.95
Published by: Running Press