The Garden of My Imaan

The Garden of My Imaan

by Farhana Zia

Aliya already struggles with trying to fit in, feeling confident enough to talk to the cute boy, or brave enough to stand up to mean kids―the fact that she’s Muslim is just another part of her life. But then Marwa, a Moroccan girl who shares Aliya’s faith, if not her culture, moves to town. Marwa’s quiet confidence leads Aliya to wonder even more about who she is, what she believes, and where she fits in. In a series of letters to Allah she writes for a Sunday school project, Aliya explores her dreams and fears, hoping that with hard work and faith, something beautiful will grow in the garden of imaan―the small quiet place inside where belief unfolds, one petal at a time.

Ages: 8-Up
ISBN: 9781561456987
Price: $15.95
Published by: Peachtree Publishers


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