That’s Sneaky! : Stealthy Secrets and Devious Data That Will Test Your Lie Detector
Presenting (with caution) That’s Sneaky! – 176 pages of the most surprising and suspenseful information that we’re legally permitted to print. Jam-packed into this top secret title is the most classified and downright dangerous information you’ll ever get your amateur detective hands on. Want to escape one of history’s most heinous prisons? Consult Chapter 7. Dare to dodge ocean predators by slipping into a sharkproof suit? Check out chapter 1. Prefer to gear up with spy gadgets? Flip to chapter 5. Embrace the adventure and listen well – you never know when this book may self-destruct!
Ages: 7-12
ISBN: 9781426317835
Price: $12.99
Published by: National Geographic Children's Books