Real Sisters Pretend
This warm, engaging story, which unfolds entirely through the conversation of two adopted sisters, was inspired by the author’s own daughters, whom she overheard talking about how adoption made them real sisters even though they have different birth parents and do not look alike. Real Sisters Pretend captures these interactions perfectly and movingly. Told with simple words and playful illustrations, this book touches on the topics of adoption, two moms, and multiracial family life. Modern families can look very different from the nuclear families of yesteryear, but no matter how a family comes to be, the most important thing is for everyone to feel loved, safe, and cared for. Real Sisters Pretend is a great vehicle for sharing that love and reassurance.
Ages: 4-6
Illustrated by: Nicole Tagdell
ISBN: 9780884484417
Price: $16.95
Published by: Tilbury House