Crow Made a Friend: An I Like to Read® title
Try, try again is the lesson Crow teaches beginning readers in this vibrant early reader about a lonely crow who works hard to make a friend.
Crow is all alone. But like all crows, he is very clever. Using autumn leaves for wings, sticks for the body and a crab apple for the head, Crow makes a friend! But winter winds blow in, destroying his creation. Undaunted, Crow fashions another bird friend out of snow but cannot prevent it from melting in the warm spring sun. Alone again, Crow hears the caw, caw, caw of a real, live bird and finally forms a friendship that will last in this warm, satisfying story that celebrates perseverance and ingenuity.
Ages: 4-6
Illustrated by: Margaret Peot
ISBN: 9780823432974
Price: $14.95
Published by: Holiday House, Inc.