City Fish, Country Fish: How Fish Adapt to Tropical Seas and Cold Oceans
Fish that live in tropical seas are like city dwellers, packed into reefs and surrounded by life in great variety and urgent motion. Fish that live in tropical seas are like city dwellers, packed into reefs and surrounded by life in great variety and urgent motion, day and night. Through color, shape,size, and other adaptations, city fish and country fish have evolved to survive in their particular habitats.
In City Fish, Country Fish, Mary Cerullo uses this powerful analogy and Jeffrey Rotman’s vibrant underwater photos to captivate young readers with the wild variety of ocean life. The second edition of this popular book includes new information about the effects of climate change on fish and their habitats and about great white sharks, who are among the few species who roam back and forth between cold and tropical waters. color photography
Ages: 7-12
Illustrated by: Photographs by Jeffrey Rotman
ISBN: 97808844845292
Price: $17.95
Published by: Tilbury House