Filling the Shelves

The CBC Graphic Novel Committee presents our fourth San Diego Comic-Con 2023 panel: Filling the Shelves.
This panel consists of authors, educators, and publishers who come together to bring in their experiences in the fight against bans on books and what they’ve done to encourage more graphic novels and comics reading. Yukiko, Lesley, and Gina observed how multilingual learners as well as kids with disabilities benefit from reading with panels and art. Kazu, Jana, and Art express bringing inclusivity to their works and how inspired they were by their favorite comics growing up. Rich provides insights into how much he’s learned about the sales industry side of promoting graphic novels. This is a panel about creating and promoting graphic novels for all readers in challenging times, so come and watch more to learn about how we can fill the shelves.
- Dr. Lesley S. J. Farmer – Professor of Library Media, CSULB Teacher Librarian Program Coordinator
- Yukiko Chavez, Library Media Technician, Vista Unified School District
- Rich Johnson, VP of Sales and Business Development, Diamond Books
- Art Baltazar (YAHGZ: The Craynobi Tales) – MadCave / Papercutz
- Kazu Kibuishi (Amulet) – Scholastic / Graphix
- Jana Tropper (Animal Rescue Friends) – Andrews McMeel Publishing
- Gina Bottini, Program Specialist-Secondary Professional Development Center
We thank the San Diego Public Library for sending us the video footage so we can share these wonderful panels with all of you!
Coming Up: Interactive & In-Person.
Find more videos of our 2023, as well as our 2022 panels, on our YouTube channel! Learn more about the CBC Graphic Novel Committee.