Congratulations to the 2018 ALA Youth Media Award Winners!

The American Library Association (ALA) today announced the top books, video and audio books for children and young adults—including the Caldecott, Coretta Scott King, Newbery and Printz awards—at its Midwinter Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
A big congrats to this year’s winner and honor titles! Winners included:
John Newbery Medal
“Hello, Universe” written by Erin Entrada Kelly, published by Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Randolph Caldecott Medal
“Wolf in the Snow,” illustrated and written by Matthew Cordell, published by Feiwel and Friends, an Imprint of Macmillan.
Coretta Scott King Book Awards
“Piecing Me Together,” written by Renée Watson, published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books.
Michael L. Printz Award
“We Are Okay,” written by Nina LaCour, published by Dutton Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers
See all the winner and honor books here!